How to change blueprint field name without losing content


As the title suggests, over time I have created quite a few blueprints and looking back I want to change a field to make it either more clear or so that I can use it in other blueprints. An example.

Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 23.16.31

Above I created a postSummary field, it is for my blog, hence the name and it relates to a blog post. But, as I have created more pages it makes sense that I refer to this as pageSummary.

How can I change this? Of course, I can just amend the blueprint but in doing so I lose the existing content so I would need every existing blog post to be updated.

I suspect I will want to do this in other areas, just not found them yet :slight_smile:

The easiest way to change the content field names is to do a search & replace in your code editor.

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Thanks @moonwalk, I guess it’s proof that you sometimes need someone to point out the obvious every now and then :slight_smile: