How do you make the notes page the home page


How do you make the notes page the home page?

You can set the home option in your config.php:

I’ve done that but it still wants to pull in the photography page:

  'home' => 'notes'

I don’t know what you mean by “pull in the photography page”. The Starterkit home page displays stuff from the photography page, it doesn’t “pull it in”.

Could you please post your complete config.php?

Here it is:


 * The config file is optional. It accepts a return array with config options
 * Note: Never include more than one return statement, all options go within this single return array
 * In this example, we set debugging to true, so that errors are displayed onscreen. 
 * This setting must be set to false in production.
 * All config options:

return [
  'panel' =>[
    'install' => true

return [
    'debug' => true,

return [
  'home' => 'notes'

That’s what I thought and why it doesn’t work. Everything in your config.php should be within one return array.

return [
  'panel' =>[
    'install' => true
  'debug' => true,
  'home' => 'notes',

Why? PHP: return - Manual

At last! Thank you so much for your advice. You won’t believe how much time I have wasted on this!