I would like to change the panel’s default users page (and the users field specifically). However, I cannot find a blueprint for this and if I create a blueprint in site/pages/users.yml that does not seem to change anything. How can I change the user’s field on this page?
Yes, but I don’t need to change user blueprints, but rather the page blueprint of the “Users” page. I am referring to the https://bla.com/panel/users page.
I’m not sure what you mean by page blueprint of the users page. That sounds exactly what you would do in the user blueprint.
If you create a default.yml in your /site/blueprints/users with custom fields, every user will have them on his account page (unless otherwise specified by granular user templates.
I am not trying to add anything to the user, but as I said, I am trying to customize the panel’s users page. I am talking about this page here:
So I don’t need to edit a user blueprint, but would rather need to edit a page blueprint I suspect. Specifically I would like to change the display options of the users field.