Hosting Service for Kirby

Which hosting services are recommended for a new Kirby website? Does Microsoft Office (OneDrive) works? Thanks!

One Drive is not a web hosting platform, but a storage platform.
So you need a web hosting provider.

There is a topic with recommendations here: Hosting Configuration + Provider Recommendation?. But basically any webhosting service that fullfille the requirements can be used

Thanks for the fast response! But can we use Microsoft Azure or Microsoft 365 as web hosting provider?

It is possible to run PHP apps and CMS systems on Azure.

Microsoft 365 is a productivity suite - it wont be of use here.

I would however strongly reccomend using a host that specialises in PHP and Apache or NGINX servers.

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Which hosts would you recommend?

I am testing out Kirby at Hostinger and it works fine. I am just starting out with Kirby and so far I am amazed with the performance.

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@JKF123 My personal favourite is



Uberspace Uberspace - Hosting on Asteroids

are other good choices.

I can always recommend Lima-City:

They have excellent prices and service. And even on the smallest instance I am running more complex Kirby websites without any problems so far.