Help us test Kirby 3.4.3-rc.1

It’s pre-release day! 3.4.3-rc.1 is here: Release 3.4.3-rc.1 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub

It’s mostly about small improvements and fixes. Thanks to @ahmetbora and @distantnative we are now also at >90% test coverage for our PHP code.

Here are some more highlights:

  • Fields with when conditions can now be required if the when condition applies
  • We have a new slug.maxlength option
  • You can now customize drag text for pages and files when they get dragged into a textarea
  • and more …

Check out the full change log

We are very grateful for all voluntary testers before the release will be published next week.


It’s a pity that my error message did not make it into the RC.