Google+ Share Button not working


I am trying to add some sharebuttons to my page, but I have Problems with the Google+ Button.

I actually just use the ones suggested on They all share the current page except for the Google+ one. Here a new post is opened, but it is empty. Did I miss something here?

What is the HTML output (in source, not tree view) of the button?

Do you mean this?

<a class="footer__shareoption__google" href=";url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8888%2Fkirby&amp;title=%C3%9Cber%20uns" target="blank" title="Google+">Google+</a>

That looks good, but as I don’t use Google+ I can’t verify why that doesn’t work. Maybe the sharing URL is not supported anymore.

Could you please try the following code:

<a href="<?php echo rawurlencode($page->url()); ?>" target="blank" title="Share on Google+">Share on Google+</a>

Hmm… that does not seem to make a difference. It is still empty.

Can someone else confirm this? Because this is an official Google+ sharing URL.

This works for me, however, you should keep in mind that these links will only redirect you to a form to share the current page (which is still a good solution in terms of data security as no request will be sent to Google’s servers until you click on the link).

The form should look like this:

If you would like to render a button which offers users the ability to instantly like your page (it currently looks like this: ) without redirection you’ll need to include Google’s javascript code. You can find more information on how to embed it at Google Developers.

Okay, now I’m confused: The button does take me to a form like shown only not with the big G but a little spinning ball that does not seem to stop ever (waited for some minuets and my internet is not that slow…).

Plus I was expecting something like this like with the twitter share button where you can see the Link to the page. But I guess that would the big G in this case do?

Could it be that Google+ checks the link? Cause I am still running my program locally, which has no influence on twitter/facebook (they just write localhost:8888/whatsoever), but if Google+ tries ‘finding the link on the internet’ it of course could not do so.

Could this be the cause?

No, it should work from localhost as well, I have used this link in the past and still working:

<a href="<?php echo rawurlencode($page->url()); ?>" target="_blank">Google</a>

It should work from localhost, but it obviously won’t display anything in place of the Google G because Google can’t access the site on your local computer.

That’s right, all you get is the comment input and a color-changing loading .gif instead of the link.

Okay perfect! Thank you so much!