Get translated toggle text

I’m building a multi-language portfolio page where we want to publish teasers for projects that are work in progress.

So I included

    width: 1/3
    label: Work in Progress?
    translate: false
    type: toggle
            en: finished
            de: fertig
            en: "Work in Progress"
            de: "in Arbeit"

This works fine in the panel. But I want to show the wip-label on the teaser. Is there a way to get the translated wip-toggle text from the blueprint?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Building the template, I made it as far as getting an “Array” output from:

<?php foreach ($pages->listed() as $project): ?>
		<li class="item">
	  	<a class="wrapper" <?php if($project->wip()->bool() === false): ?>href="<?= $project->url() ?>"<?php endif ?>>
		  	<img src="<?= $project->teaser()->toFiles() ?>" />
  			<h2><?= $project->title() ?></h2>
	  		<?php if($project->wip()->bool()): ?>
	  		<small><?= $project->blueprint()->field('wip') ?></small>
			<?php endif ?>

  	<?php endforeach ?>

Yes, via the $page->blueprint() method.

You can find an introduction how to use this in our cookbook:

Pageblueprint object: $pageblueprint | Kirby

Oh, I just edited. I got the reference, but the Output I receive on the HTML is only “Array” from

<?php foreach ($pages->listed() as $project): ?>

	<li class="item">
  	<a class="wrapper" <?php if($project->wip()->bool() === false): ?>href="<?= $project->url() ?>"<?php endif ?>>
	  	<img src="<?= $project->teaser()->toFiles() ?>" />
		<h2><?= $project->title() ?></h2>
  		<?php if($project->wip()->bool()): ?>
  		<small><?= $project->blueprint()->field('wip') ?></small>
		<?php endif ?>

<?php endforeach ?>



returns an array. Do a


to see what this array contains, from there you see how you can access what you need.

This is what your array will contain:

    [width] => 1/3
    [label] => Work in Progress?
    [translate] => 
    [type] => toggle
    [text] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [en] => finished
                    [de] => fertig

            [1] => Array
                    [en] => Work in Progress
                    [de] => in Arbeit


    [name] => wip

Thanks, @texnixe.
If anyone in the future is looking for the final code snippet, it’s

 <?= t($project->blueprint()->field('wip')['text']['1']); ?>