Get $page in dialog

does anybody know how to get a reference to the $page object from where i’m opening a new customised (kirby 3.6) panel dialog?

trying like this:

'submit' => function ($id) {
    $page = page($id);
    $archive = page('archive');
    $page->copy(['parent' => $archive]);
    return true;

but seems like $id is never passed to the submit function:

Error: Too few arguments to function Kirby\Http\Route::{closure}(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected

does this only work when extending dialogs? (Panel dialogs | Kirby CMS)

Got it! Wasn’t sure about the interplay of dropdown and dialog, but this works now:


'page' => function (string $id) {
    // find the right page for the dropdown
    $page = Find::page($id);

    // load the core dropdown definition
    $dropdown = $page->panel()->dropdown();

    if ($page->intendedTemplate() == 'programm-element') {
        // append a separator
        // $dropdown[] = '-';

        // append a new option
        $dropdown[] = [
            'icon'   => 'folder',
            'text'   => 'Archivieren',
            'dialog' => 'archive/' . $id,

    return $dropdown;
    'dialogs' => [
    'archive/(:any)' => require __DIR__ . '/dialogs/page.archive.php',



return [
    'load' => function (string $id) {
        $page = Find::page($id);
        return [
            'component' => 'k-text-dialog',
            'props' => [
                'text' => 'Willst du die Seite ' . $page->title() . ' ins Archiv verschieben?',
                'theme' => 'success',
                'submitButton' => 'Archivieren',
                'icon' => 'folder',
    'submit' => function (string $id) {
        $page = Find::page($id);
        $archive = Find::page('archiv');
        $page->copy(['parent' => $archive]);
        // have to write some nice try/catch blocks to handle page duplication and deletion etc
        return true;