As explained here , I set 2 variables in the panel to have a longer connection time in the panel:
c::set('panel.session.timeout', 3000);
c::set('panel.session.lifetime', 3000);
But still, the panel ask for credentials every 5 minutes or so…
What can I do to have a longer connection time in the panel?
Thank you
Kirby 2.5.6
You could try with a session fingerprint:
This is the fingerprint method:
public static function fingerprint() {
// custom fingerprint callback
if(is_callable(static::$fingerprint)) {
return call(static::$fingerprint);
if(!r::cli()) {
return sha1(Visitor::ua() . (ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) & ip2long('')));
} else {
return '';
So, if no custom fingerprint is used, the fingerprint is created like this:
return sha1(Visitor::ua() . (ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR…
https://getkirby.com/search?q=fingerprint - In the future maybe.
I use Kirby 2.4.1.
It says:
Allow custom session fingerprinting to avoid session invalidation in environments, where IP addresses or User Agents change often.
My enviroment changes IP:s often. That’s why I tried to add this to my config.php.
s::$fingerprint = function() {
return 'custom fingerprint';
It did not work. It says:
Parse error: syntax error, une…
October 18, 2017, 8:49pm
Session life time can only be set in the php.ini [http://php.net/manual/de/session.configuration.php ]
If you can’t modify this setting, as everybody else on a cheap shared host, you can…
…get a ‘auto reload’ extension for your browser and open the dasboard in a new tab with the extension enabled.
… create a ‘custom field’ [https://getkirby.com/docs/developer-guide/panel/fields#adding-field-assets ]
with a js snipped that ajax polls the session alive.
(‘fingerprints’ (‘csrf tokens’ aswell) are there but just want work out of the box with kirby, at least for me)
Could you expand on that please? which code to use (and where)?
Ok. from here , I can add a custom fingerprint in config.php
, like so:
s::$fingerprint = function() {
return 'custom fingerprint';
Does it make sens to use the user_name
value in this custom fingerprint?
s::$fingerprint = function() {
return $user_name . '-fingerprint';
If so, how can I get the username inside config?
Thank you
You can get the current user with
$user = site()->user();
if($user) {
$username = $user->username();
Honestly, I don’t know if it makes sense to use the username or not. As far as I know, the fingerprint should be something unique. The original fingerprint is created like this:
public static function fingerprint() {
// custom fingerprint callback
if(is_callable(static::$fingerprint)) {
return call(static::$fingerprint);
if(!r::cli()) {
return sha1(Visitor::ua() . (ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) & ip2long('')));
} else {
return '';
For testing if it makes any difference at all for your sessions , I’d use any simple string.
@texnixe Ok thanks, I try that.