Format data wrong

I installed latest version Kirby on a local server.
During installation (panel) I selected my language (Italian)
But in Dashboard the date format is wrong:

In config.php I added:
setlocale(LC_ALL, ‘it_IT’);


As far as I know, unfortunately, you can’t change the date format in the sidebar of the Panel without modifying the source code.

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this is a limitation…
What sense does it install Kirby with my own language, if the display format of some data is in a different language?
I can modify the source code, but the next update I lose the changes.
By the way, what files should I change?

Then, about the public side, you can change the date format?

I’m trying to understand, before buying a license.


@texnixe is correct, but she answers only the first question of your initial post.

If you look at Docs: Example with custom format, you can set the format of the date field in the right part of the panel.

The answer to your new question is:

what you see if you install Kirby langkit and go there to the German version of the page from your new image.

I strongly recommend installing this package “langkit” to understand the issues of your questions.

To get this, you have to build your php code in your snippets, templates and so on like

<p class="article-date"><?= $article->date(l('date.format')) ?></p>

from that page.

Good luck!

On the frontend, you can format your date like this:

<?= $page->date('d.m.Y') ?>

or whatever format you prefer.

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