Hi all. Just experimenting with Kirby. I’m used to a number of other systems.
I’m really stumped by Kirby’s organisation. There is a site folder which contains the template files, but assets are outside this, and content is also. It seems most of what is outside the site folder is everything that is shown on the site. Locations and names give no obvious indication as to what they are to a beginner (other than templates and content).
Blueprints are fields? Really? We have a word for fields; it’s fields (or custom fields). We have the words variables, data, front matter and form fields. New terminology is not needed. Assets are not in the template folder? Yet they are template assets. This is the norm.
I think Kirby has tried too hard to be different. It nearly finished Drupal, but the system was good enough to get through it. But it changed where it could after realising the mistake.
With the various CMS, static and flat-file options out there, and considering this is a paid one, why try to re-invent wheels that went along fine? Just my 2 cents as a user who probably now won’t be stopping.