Event calendar: repeating dates

And maybe these methods can be of use for you: GitHub - hananils/kirby-date-methods: Kirby 3 plugin providing field and page methods for formatting dates and creating PHP date objects

Thank you so, so much, @nilshoerrmann !!! I implemented and adapted your collection code and my event blueprint and it got me to 90% of where I need it to be!

The cloning and displaying of recurring events worked flawlessly. I merged two collections for “recurring events” and “non-recurring events” into one collection that displays all future events into a calendar overview. This overview is basically just a foreach loop that feeds the collection items into an event snippet. The preview with all meta-data (title, date, category, …) is all displayed correctly.

My final end boss is this problem: The cloned events don’t link to the corresponding new subpages yet. They just lead to an error page.

My guess is that I need to add a routing function in the config.php file to link the new event slug with the subpages url somehow, but I couldn’t find this last puzzle piece in the docs so far.

Do you have any idea on how to solve this? Thanks again!

Just in case anyone else runs into a similar problem, I wanted to share how I ended up solving the last step. It probably isn’t the most elegant solution, but it works for what I tried to achieve. This is the routing setup in my config.php file:

 'routes' => [
      'pattern' => 'events/(:any)-(:num)',
      'action'  => function ($title, $startDate) {
        // Check if the page exists in the original collection
        $page = page("events/$title-$startDate");

        // If not, check if it's in the recurrences
        if (!$page) {
          // Load the recurring events collection
          $recurrences = collection('events-recurring');

          // Iterate through each child in the recurrences collection
          foreach ($recurrences as $recurrence) {
            $recurrenceSlug = $recurrence->slug();
            if ($recurrenceSlug === "$title-$startDate") {
              // Create a new page using the 'event' template
              $page = new Page([
                'slug'      => $recurrenceSlug,
                'template'  => 'event',
                'content'   => $recurrence->content()->toArray(),
              // Add the new page to the site structure

        // Check if the page exists after creating it
        if ($page) {
          return $page->render();
        } else {
          return site()->visit('error');

Thanks again, @nilshoerrmann! I probably would still try to doctor around with this if it wasn’t for your help :slight_smile:

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