Calendar board event


I’m using calendar-board with Bastian’s calendar
I try to display every events for each days. So, based on the example from documentation, I did :

<?php foreach($pages->find('calendar/year-2017/day-2017-02-09')->events()->toStructure() as $event): ?>
    <?php echo $event->hour()->html() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

It’s working, it shows one event every days but I would like to get every events for each days. Can you advice me ?

Should be something like this:

foreach($pages->find('calendar/year-2017')->children() as $child):
  $events = $child->events()->toStructure();
  foreach($events as $event):
      echo $event->hour()->html();
1 Like

I get a blank page on Kirby 2.3.2. I think it’s due to my rewriting of your code, did you mean

<?php foreach($pages->find('calendar/year-2017')->children() as $child): ?>
     <?php if ($events = $child->events()->toStructure()); ?>
          <?php foreach($events as $event):?>
               <?php echo $event->hour()->html() ?>
          <?php endforeach ?>
     <?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

If you haven’t done it yet, please enable debugging in your config.php

c::set('debug', true);

to get an error message instead of a blank page.

Nice trick, I get a message for a semilicon. I corrected then. But the strange thing is that I have exactly the same thing as previously : my event is display on every days

<?php foreach($pages->find('calendar/year-2017')->children() as $child): ?>          
     <?php if($events = $child->events()->toStructure()): ?>
          <?php foreach($events as $event):?>
                <?php echo $event->hour()->html() ?>
          <?php endforeach ?>
      <?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Could you let me know your structure and what the content in the files looks like?

Well this is my reduced code, I hope it can help

<?php snippet('header') ?>
     <main class="main" role="main">
          <h1><?php echo $page->title()->html() ?> template</h1>

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US');
// get the year and number of week from the query string and sanitize it
$year  = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'year', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$month = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'month', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
// initialize the calendar object
$calendar = new calendar();
// get the current month object by year and number of month
$currentMonth = $calendar->month($year, $month);

    <section class="month">
                <?php foreach($currentMonth->weeks()->first()->days() as $weekDay): ?>
                <th><?php echo $weekDay->shortname() ?></th>
                <?php endforeach ?>
            <?php foreach($currentMonth->weeks(6) as $week): ?>
                <?php foreach($week->days() as $day): ?>
                <td<?php if($day->month() != $currentMonth) echo ' class="inactive"' ?>><?php echo ($day->isToday()) ? '<strong>' . $day->int() . '</strong>' : $day->int() ?>
                    <?php foreach($pages->find('calendar/year-2017')->children() as $child): ?>          
                    <?php if($events = $child->events()->toStructure()): ?>
                    <?php foreach($events as $event):?>
                    <?php echo $event->hour()->html() ?>
                    <?php endforeach ?>
                    <?php endif ?>
                    <?php endforeach ?>
                <?php endforeach ?>  
            <?php endforeach ?>

<?php snippet('footer') ?>

and my calendar-board-day.txt file in the calendar/year-2017/1-day-2017-02-09 folder

Title: 09-02-2017



  hour: 03:00
  topic: hgf
  associates: hjg