Error when saving file fields at 'site' level

I have an issue on a site which I have been able to replicate on plainkit and starterkit.
If I add an alt tag field or any field to a files/default.yml blueprint and try to add an alt tag to any file, when I click ‘save’ I get this error:

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Unauthenticated",
  "code": 401,
  "exception": "Kirby\\Exception\\AuthException",
  "key": "error.auth",
  "file": "/kirby/config/api/authentication.php",
  "line": 14,
  "details": [],
  "route": "(account/|pages/[^/]+/|site/|users/[^/]+/|)files/([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-_%= \\+\\@\\(\\)]+)"

This only happens:
a) On the live server; locally its working fine.
b) On files at the ‘site’ level that have been uploaded using the ‘site’ blueprint.

All files on other pages work fine.

Which Kirby version are you using? Could you please also try clearing your browser cache or ideally try the same actions in a different browser for testing?

I’m using the latest Kirby version. I’ve cleared all browser caches and tested on Chrome and Microsoft Edge and get the same error. It’s strange as it only happens from the site.yml and also now discovered that it also only happens when saving additional details on images. PDF details save fine.

It’s weird that you only get it when updating image content specifically and also cross-browser. Do you have any image-related plugins installed?