Error: Unknown:[ext-deprecate]:1040310181 80125 hash_hmac hash_equals

Help please!

From one day to another all of my kirby websites that I host at dogado throw this error. They all use Kirby 3.9.7 and PHP 8.2.7.

I contacted the dogado support but haven’t heard back from them.

Weirdly some of the websites still render correctly when debug is disabled, but the error message (fatal.php from the the Kirby folder) is just added at the end of the page.

Same as here: Unknown error in debug mode… - #9 by jash

@lukasbestle just found that checkdomain and dogado are the same company.

You really need to get through to their support and find what they changed overnight. We cannot do anything about this, I’m afraid.


Thanks for your quick response! What does the error message mean though?

The issues described above just disappeared on our projects hosted at dogado.

Example with fresh Kirby Starterkit installation:

Same here (also dogado)