Error on "System" page after update to 4.6

Since I updated Kirby to V 4.6 I’ve got the following error when I want to go to “System” page in the panel :
Call to undefined method Kirby\Cms\System::serverSoftwareShort()

Has anyone noticed the same issue ?

It sounds like updating to 4.6 didn’t go well and not all files got replaced with the new ones. Please double check that the whole kirby folder got replaced with the new one for Kirby 4.6.

Hi, the whole folder has been replaced and the cache has been cleared, still got no luck. I also made an update via composer on a test environnment but got the same error.
In /kirby/config/areas/system/views.php when var_dumping the get_class_methods($system) i only the serverSoftware method exists.

Could you check the file kirby/src/Cms/System.php directly? The serverSoftwareShort() method should start at line 412 (just double checked, it’s included in the 4.6.0 download from Release 4.6.0 · getkirby/kirby · GitHub).

Seems that there was a issue with Kirby Seo plugins. The page is displayed correctly when the plugin is uninstalled.
I removed the plugin and reinstalled it via composer and that did the trick.

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