Email contact form sent but not received

Hello everyone,

I know there is a lot of topic allready but I didn’t found the answer.

I followed the Email contact form cookbook step by step, just changed controllers/contact.php:


return function( $kirby, $pages, $page ) {

    $alert = null;

    if( $kirby->request()->is( 'POST' ) && get( 'submit' ) ) {

        // check the honeypot
        if( empty( get( 'website' ) ) === false ) {
            go( $page->url() );

        $data = [
            'first_name'  => get( 'first_name' ),
            'last_name'  => get( 'last_name' ),
            'email' => get( 'email' ),
            'text'  => get( 'text' )

        $rules = [
            'first_name'  => [ 'required', 'minLength' => 3 ],
            'last_name'  => [ 'required', 'minLength' => 3 ],
            'email' => [ 'required', 'email' ],
            'text'  => [ 'required', 'minLength' => 3, 'maxLength' => 3000 ],

        $messages = [
            'first_name'  => 'Please enter a valid first name',
            'last_name'  => 'Please enter a valid last name',
            'email' => 'Please enter a valid email address',
            'text'  => 'Please enter a text between 3 and 3000 characters'

        // some of the data is invalid
        if($invalid = invalid( $data, $rules, $messages ) ) {
            $alert = $invalid;

        // the data is fine, let's send the email
        } else {
            try {
                $kirby->email( [
                    'template' => 'email',
                    'from'     => '',
                    'replyTo'  => $data[ 'email' ],
                    'to'       => esc( $page->site()->mail() ),
                    'subject'  => esc( $data[ 'first_name' ] ) . ' ' . esc( $data[ 'last_name' ] ) . ' sent you a message from your contact form',
                    'data'     => [
                        'text'   => esc( $data[ 'text' ] ),
                        'from'   => esc( $data[ 'email' ] ),
                        'sender' => esc( $data[ 'first_name' ] ) . ' ' . esc( $data[ 'last_name' ] )
                ] );

            } catch ( Exception $error ) {
                if( option( 'debug' ) ):
                    $alert[ 'error' ] = 'The form could not be sent: <strong>' . $error->getMessage() . '</strong>';
                    $alert[ 'error' ] = 'The form could not be sent!';

            // no exception occurred, let's send a success message
            if ( empty( $alert ) === true ) {
                $success = ucfirst( esc( $data[ 'first_name' ] ) ) . ', your message has been sent, thank you.<br>We will get back to you soon!';
                $data = [];

    return [
        'alert'   => $alert,
        'data'    => $data ?? false,
        'success' => $success ?? false

I added esc( $page->site()->mail() ) to change the mail on the Kirby.

Result, the message has been sent, thank you. but I don’t receive any message. Apart of the new data and the $page->site->mail(), everything is the same as the cookbook for now.

This can have many reasons. Are you really trying to send from This is something you should never do.

Use a domain that you own. Ideally, you use some sort of service for sending emails, to prevent blacklisting. For local testing, I’d recommend a tool like Mailhog (Using MailHog for local email testing | Kirby CMS).

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Thx !

I changed the sending mail and stop filling form locally and it works.