Edit url schema (without parent slugs) by field in panel

Hello there,

there are some questions and answers how to manipulate the default url schema by writing specific routes for specific slugs – I’m fine with this solution for most cases.

Now I have the problem that more and more seo landigpages need a simpler and shorter url. I’m thinking of an editable solution for panel users, where they can optional switch of all parent sites in the url.

I know with this, there are error possibilities with the same names in different folders – but I can exclude this for the very moment.

How would you do this? I’m not asking for the whole solution but maybe a kick in the right direction.

Thx all :slight_smile:


Do you need this for all nesting levels or only if the child pages are one level deep? And if multiple levels down, only leave out the direct parent, or really create a flat structure. So even https://example.com/page/subpage/subsubpage becomes https://example.com/subsubpage.

I would like to have it for all nesting levels and also leave out all parent pages to always get a flat structure. Like from this to that…


