Duplicated subpage created when clicking the link

I get a weird bug when creating subpages.

I list Cases on the Work page. When I create a new case it appears on the Work page like a charm but as I click the link (in browser) it creates a duplicate under a content folder (top-level).

Blueprint files are really minimal. No controllers or collections used.

Does anyone know why this happens?

Which link? In the Panel? On the frontend?

On the frontend.

That’s weird. Do you have a route that does funny things?

@pixelijn No routes. I use latest starter kit.

I dunno if this gif helps but it explains the steps.

I cannot reproduce this. Does this also happen when you test in a fresh Starterkit? Do you use any plugins? Or is this a theme?

No plugins either. I only added new blueprints, templates and CSS for the starter kit.

With a fresh starter kit, I’m not able to reproduce the duplication issue. But I noticed that my files field might need a blueprint since I get the following message

“This file has no blueprint yet. You can define the setup in /site/blueprints/File.yml”

I don’t believe that this has anything to do with duplications?

No, that just means that there is not file blueprint (and the error message is not correct, because it should read /site/blueprints/files/…`.

One more thing. Maybe the blueprints are not valid?

Work blueprint

title: Work

  pages: true

    type: fields
        label: Headline
        type: text
        label: Intro
        type: textarea

Case blueprint

title: Case

    label: Headline
    type: text
    label: Intro
    type: textarea
    label: Actions
    type: textarea
    label: Text
    type: textarea
    label: Outcomes
    type: textarea
    label: Cover
    type: files

I never figured out what caused this problem so I ended up installing a fresh starter kit. That did the trick.