using kirby and panel 2.2.1. in safari on mac. drag n drop to sort images in panel causes jquery errors. it suggests a script gets called before jquery is loaded. the error appears once for every image in the files thumbs view.
jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:23640 TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '"float:left;opacity:.5"')
jquery.js:2:17897 TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '')
google.js:47 ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $
Kirby will then make sure, that it calls the wrapped function at the right time when everything is happy (it tries to call the functions of all data-field attributes).
thanks for the help. i managed to create a proper jquery plugin and panel field now. but the issue is still there. maybe its a problem with my svg files. if i have them in the file thumb preview the error appears. once for every svg image. i attached one for you to test.