Display 360° photo-sphere-viewer

Hello and good evening,
I would like to look around and find out if it is possible to integrate and display 360° images with e.g. photo-sphere-viewer.js.
I am currently still working with a different system but have had good experiences with “PowerCMS and PowerSite” (PHP5) many years ago.
Greetings Jürgen

Hello and welcome to the Kirby forum :tada:

You can also integrate additional JS files into Kirby and thus add further functions to your website. Take a look at the following article:

If you have any further questions, we’ll be happy to help you here.

Hi Jürgen,

I am currently working on such a thing and my solution is aframe.io.

It’s a js-library that you have to implement in your header like this

        echo js('https://aframe.io/releases/1.5.0/aframe.min.js'); 

And for a first and simple approach, create a template page where you can go like this for example:

        <a-sky src="YOUR360IMAGE.JPG"></a-sky>

This should give you a fullscreen view of your image where you can look around.