Discrepancy between documentation and implementation?

I’m not sure if I’m missing something but in the Starter Kit in /site/blueprints/pages/home.yml there is a

  status: false

but on https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/panel/blueprints/page#options the only status-related option I can find is called “changeStatus”. What gives?

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Both will work, I’d use changeStatus, though. Will have to check if status is an alias or a leftover from an older version.

Edit, yes, it is an alias

// aliases (from v2)
                'status'   => 'changeStatus',
                'template' => 'changeTemplate',
                'title'    => 'changeTitle',
                'url'      => 'changeSlug',

(/kirby/src/Cms/PageBlueprint.php, #43ff)

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Thanks. Might be good to mention that in the docs, too.

I think I’d rather change the StarterKit (and done).