Deploying Kirby CMS on AWS


Is there some guide or best practices on how to deploy Kirby CMS on AWS infrastructure?

I’ve deployed it on one EC2 instance if I want to scale it up, I’ll need more instances, which brings the question of how the content of the website will be updated at all the instances.

Is there a way to integrate it with S3 or some NFS server (AWS EFS solution)?

I’m running it today on an Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache 2 and PHP 7.2

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In my opinion, you should use EFS for this and mount it on the EC2 as a web root. This way you can clone your instances or create an image for them.

However, if your website only has a high load at peak times, then you could use a scaling group to solve this, which then spawns the nodes as required.

Do you often have performance problems? Maybe an upgrade of EC2 will be enough, because the rest is not that cheap either.
