I am having difficulty putting together exactly how to use Kirby to implement a complete working solution for Categories taxonomy. All cookbook docs on Kirby website fall short by not going far enough (implementing only the most basic and therefore least useful approach), or leaving out key parts required to implement. ie: Tags are NOT the same as Categories, so why trying to substitute one for the other when creating documentation?
Additionally, when doing other searches through the forum to get other help- I am finding mostly older posts that reference many broken links, so I am not finding info that way. Are you not parsing forums for broken links and either redirecting to new URL’s or removing the links altogether?
The websites I am looking to create with Kirby depend so heavily on a taxonomy structure that if Kirby cannot provide a workable solution, it’s of no use for what I need to do.
Why aren’t taxonomies covered more in your documentation and tutorials? And I don’t mean bare minimum ~6 flat predefined categories of a gallery in your video examples. But something like being able to create and edit entire category trees and handle content assigned to such.