Debug option in config ignored

I have turned on debugging in my config.php (and there is also no other environment config yet) but it doesn’t work (with every error I see only a general error message of my hoster):


return [
    'panel' => [
      'install' => false,
      'css' => 'assets/css/custom-panel.css'

    'home' => 'blog',
    'languages' => true,
    'languages.detect' => true,

    'smartypants' => true,

    'kirby3-webp' => true,

    'date'  => [
      'handler' => 'strftime'

    'cache' => [
      'pages' => [
          'active' => true,
          'ignore' => function() {
              return kirby()->user() !== null;

    'thumbs' => [
      'quality' => 90,
      'autoOrient' => true,
      'presets' => [
        'default' => ['width' => 2048, 'quality' => 90],
        'blog' => ['width' => 1000, 'quality' => 85],
      'srcsets' => [
        'default' => [
          '800w' => ['width' => 800, 'quality' => 80],
          '1024w' => ['width' => 1024, 'quality' => 80],
          '1440w' => ['width' => 1440, 'quality' => 80],
          '2048w' => ['width' => 2048, 'quality' => 80]

    'routes' => [
        'pattern' => 'sitemap.xml',
        'action'  => function() {
            $pages = site()->pages()->index();
            // fetch the pages to ignore from the config settings,
            // if nothing is set, we ignore the error page
            $ignore = kirby()->option('sitemap.ignore', ['error']);
            $content = snippet('sitemap', compact('pages', 'ignore'), true);
            // return response with correct header type
            return new Kirby\Cms\Response($content, 'application/xml');
        'pattern' => 'sitemap',
        'action'  => function() {
          return go('sitemap.xml', 301);
          'pattern' => '(test)',
          'action'  => function ($tag) {
            if ($page = page('test')) {
              return $page;
            } else {
              return page('blog')->render([
                'tag' => $tag

    'blocks' => [
      'fieldsets' => [
        'text' => [
          'label' => 'Text',
          'type' => 'group',
          'fieldsets' => [
        'media' => [
          'label' => 'Media',
          'type' => 'group',
          'fieldsets' => [
        'code' => [
          'label' => 'Code',
          'type' => 'group',
          'fieldsets' => [

    // Plugin / Automatically resize images on upload.
    'medienbaecker.autoresize.maxWidth' => 1920,

    // Cachebuster
    // '' => true,

    // converting JPG, JPEG and PNG into much smaller WEBP
    'mrfd.webp.autoconvert' => true,

    'twit.consumerkey'       => 'xxx',
    'twit.consumersecret'    => 'xxx',
    'twit.accesstoken'       => 'xxx',
    'twit.accesstokensecret' => 'xxx',

    'debug' => true

What could be the problem?

Debugging should never be set to true on a remote server. Maybe your hoster prevents this by default.

Check error logs instead.

Sorry and thanks for the hint, I wasn’t aware of that option of my hoster: web errorpage — Uberspace 7 manual 7.11.3 documentation