Database select field value not being selected

Hi guys,

I’m fetching database data and adding it to a select field:

Database data

  • Table: accommodatie_status
  • Column 1: id (int)
  • Column 2: status_nl (text)

Page model

public function getZoekertjesStatus():array {

        $statuses  = Db::select("accommodatie_status", ["id", "status_nl"]);

        $array = [];
        if( !$statuses ) {
            return $array;
        foreach( $statuses as $item ) {
            $array[$item->id()] = $item->status_nl();

        return $array;


Page blueprint

  label: Status
  type: select
    type: query
    query: site.find('zoekertjes').getZoekertjesStatus
    value: '{{ arrayItem.key }}'
    text: "{{ arrayItem.value }}"

When changing the select field value, the database gets updated correctly. However, the select field doesn’t stay selected on the current value, it alows shows the empty value:

When I change the select field to a text field, the value is getting represented correctly:

I would like the select field to keep the current database value selected.

Is there something I’m missing here? Thanks!

Maybe a problem with data types (string vs. int).