Custom block blueprint not loading in panel on server

I created a custom block for an input form for Mailchimp. The block blueprint looks like this:

name: Mailchimp
icon: email
    type: toggles
    label: Form align
    width: 1/2
      - value: start
        text: Left
        icon: text-left
      - value: center
        text: Center
        icon: text-center
      - value: end
        text: Right
        icon: text-right
    label: Outline?
    type: toggle
    width: 1/2
      - "no"
      - "yes"

On my local host it’s working as it should but now the website is live on a server, it’s not working properly. Once the block is selected, nothing happens. So the fields are not shown, double clicking on the appeared block doesn’t do anything. Where normally a screen is shown on the right side with all the options from my blueprint, nothing happens now… Am I missing something here? Also no errors in the console.

I’m using Kirby version 3.9.2 and PHP 8.1 on both local and live server.

Is that the only custom block that doesn’t work?

There are 4 custom blocks, two of them are working, two (of which this one is the most important one) are not… Do you have any idea where to look for?

Edit: When adding a block, the icons are also not loading (see faq and mailchimp) which are working on local and after clicking, the blue beachbal is spinning for a second on my mac, the block appears in the layout but the options don’t open on the right side.

So, apparently I capitalised the first letter of the block names in the blueprint of the page. After naming them correctly, problem seems fixed:)