Correct group permissions?

After upgrading OS X, I’m having permissions issues with my local Kirby installs. I don’t recall what the group was before, but now it’s set to staff.

sudo chown _www [files] is doing the trick, but I’m not super knowledgable about how these groups work - is this the correct group?

Which web server are you using? MAMP or the built-in one?


Also, i might need to be chgrping, not chowning, now Grunt doesn’t have permissions to write some files

Yes, you should set the group to _www. More details and a complete tutorial over here for example.

Thanks & thanks for the quick reply!

Setting it to _www didn’t fix the problem because this wasn’t actually the problem! The OS X update reverted some changes I had made to httpd.conf.

This was the solution:

Sorry for the trouble!