Checkboxes custom divider

Hi all, I’m developing part of a web page and want to have the option to select multiple categories. Currently I have this functionality in place using checkboxes but would like to make a change. By default it seems there is a comma between the words, I would like to instead replace this with a β€œ/” and also to remover the spaces between the words. How would I go about this?

title: Project

    type: fields
        type: text
        type: checkboxes
          Exhibition: Exhibition
          Editorial: Editorial
          Identity: Identity
          Product: Product
          Web: Web

        type: textarea

    type: files
    layout: cards 
      ratio: 1/1

Thanks in advance!

Hm, I’m afraid this is not supported out of the box. For the tags and multiselect fields, you can use the separator property, but this is not available on the checkboxes field.

May I ask why it is even important how the value is stored?

Hi, its a design choice not any kind of functional necessity.


But the design choice happens on the frontend, not in the content file? And usually, you don’t just output the field value, but create an array from it, then you do with that array whatever you want.

$categories = $page->category()->split(',');

echo implode('/', $categories);