Can't make autoresize plugin work


I’m trying to use this plugin : autoresize by @thguenther, to automaticaly resize images in the back office for the users they are not confident with resizing images for website.

I’de the master folder from github on my plugin folder, I had the line that is show on the, but when I try to put images (JPEG or PNG) bigger than 2000 pixel I’m getting this pop up window on the back office

In kirby 2 I remember there is the choice to use Image Magic or GD.
Do you I 've to change comething in the preferences ?


The error sounds as if GD library is not enabled in your system.

Are thumbs generated at all (through the Panel or when resizing images in your templates)?

It’s seem so evident when I read you answer that I checked If I had the GD library. And it’s appears that why the plugin didn’t work. I’ve install the GD Library and the autoresize plugin works very well !

Thanks !