Can't load plugin assets (403)

Hi there,

I’m working on a little plugin and it works perfectly locally but it can’t loads the assets when the project is online :

The media/ corresponding folder contains symbolic links instead of the files.

I tried to delete the media plugin but it’s the same when it’s recreated.

Don’t hesitate to ask me informations about the plugin.


I read a few topics here. I understand that symlinks are normal.
I’m on a mutualized server. Do you think it has something to do with this ? If yes, is there any other way to serve the assets ?

My root directory path seems right :

  • <?= dump($page->root()) ?> outputs /home/axxxxx/esaj-dev/content/home

  • <?= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ?> outputs /home/axxxxx/esaj-dev

The symlinks also seems to point to the right place (screen from the web FTP explorer):

The problem seems to show with every plugins assets (not only mine). Eg. GitHub - zephir/kirby-cookieconsent: Cookieconsent plugin for Kirby 3 :