Can't install kirbyup

I had originally installed Kirbyup in this project, thinking I could use it to minify my website JavaScript but I was recommended to use Vite over Kirbyup for my website JavaScript. So I removed Kirbyup and installed Vite.

Now I’m trying to build my own custom block, however when I try installing Kirbyup again, I get several errors.

I suspect the Vite version is conflicting with the version that Kirbyup needs?

vagrant@homestead:~/Code/kirby-project/site/plugins/hero-blocks$ npm install -D kirbyup
npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
npm warn While resolving: @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn Found: vite@5.3.6
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/vite
npm warn   vite@"~5.3.5" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn     dev kirbyup@"*" from the root project
npm warn
npm warn Could not resolve dependency:
npm warn peer vite@"^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2
npm warn   @vitejs/plugin-vue2@"2.2.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn
npm warn Conflicting peer dependency: vite@4.5.5
npm warn node_modules/vite
npm warn   peer vite@"^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2
npm warn     @vitejs/plugin-vue2@"2.2.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn     node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
npm warn While resolving: @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn Found: vite@5.3.6
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/vite
npm warn   vite@"~5.3.5" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn     dev kirbyup@"*" from the root project
npm warn
npm warn Could not resolve dependency:
npm warn peer vite@"^2.9.13 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx
npm warn   @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@"1.1.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn
npm warn Conflicting peer dependency: vite@4.5.5
npm warn node_modules/vite
npm warn   peer vite@"^2.9.13 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx
npm warn     @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@"1.1.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn     node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn deprecated vue@2.7.16: Vue 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. See for more details.

added 126 packages, and audited 258 packages in 1m

50 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
vagrant@homestead:~/Code/kirby-project/site/plugins/hero-blocks$ kirbyup
-bash: kirbyup: command not found

Even when I do npm ci I get errors like

vagrant@homestead:~/Code/kirby-project$ npm ci
npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
npm warn While resolving: @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn Found: vite@5.3.6
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/vite
npm warn   vite@"~5.3.5" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn     dev kirbyup@"^3.1.13" from the root project
npm warn
npm warn Could not resolve dependency:
npm warn peer vite@"^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2
npm warn   @vitejs/plugin-vue2@"2.2.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn
npm warn Conflicting peer dependency: vite@4.5.5
npm warn node_modules/vite
npm warn   peer vite@"^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2@2.2.0
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2
npm warn     @vitejs/plugin-vue2@"2.2.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn     node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
npm warn While resolving: @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn Found: vite@5.3.6
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/vite
npm warn   vite@"~5.3.5" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn     dev kirbyup@"^3.1.13" from the root project
npm warn
npm warn Could not resolve dependency:
npm warn peer vite@"^2.9.13 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx
npm warn   @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@"1.1.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn
npm warn Conflicting peer dependency: vite@4.5.5
npm warn node_modules/vite
npm warn   peer vite@"^2.9.13 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@1.1.0
npm warn   node_modules/kirbyup/node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx
npm warn     @vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx@"1.1.0" from kirbyup@3.1.13
npm warn     node_modules/kirbyup
npm warn deprecated vue@2.7.16: Vue 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. See for more details.

added 257 packages, and audited 258 packages in 2m

50 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Any idea? Here’s my dependencies

    "dependencies": {
        "tailwindcss": "^3.4.10"
    "devDependencies": {
        "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.9",
        "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.14",
        "kirbyup": "^3.1.13",
        "vite": "^5.4.2"

Thank you.

This seems like a kirbyup issue. Could you please open an issue at Issues · johannschopplich/kirbyup · GitHub so that the developer is aware of the problem?

@johannschopplich Could you look at this issue?

(I use GitLab, sorry @distantnative)

I ended up solving my problem. Turns out that kirbyup was indeed installed, but the error message about conflicts with Vite, made me believe it hadn’t been installed.

Despite running npm install -D kirbyup in my plugin folder, kirbyup was instead installed in the root of the project (where Vite was installed).

To solve this, I told npm to install kirbyup in the current directory (in this case, the plugin I was making):

npm install -D kirbyup --prefix .

And it was installed without any complaints about conflicts with Vite