Bug? Field’s action menu items can be partially hidden


I’ve a weird issue using the Panel:
When scrolling to the last item of a panel page, and I want to delete it using the local menu, the Delete option can be hidden by cancel/save bar (see image), so obviously, I cannot choose the Delete option.

Currently, to fix it, I added to the blueprint a spacer using the Gap field type.

            type: fields
                type: gap

But maybe it’s a Kirby’s bug ?

Thanks for reporting :+1: Yes, this is known issue. But there is no permanent solution yet.

I found another trick to fix this issue using a custom panel css directive:

.k-fields-section:last-of-type .k-block-container:last-of-type .k-dropdown-content {
  top: auto;
  bottom: -60px;

This displays the pop-up menu above the field toolbar, only for the last element.
I think it’s a more elegant way to fix it than my hacky blueprint addition.

What do you think of?

:last-of-type should be also added to the .k-fields-section class

We can ask @bastianallgeier to review this solution.

Sorry for being late here. I think we need a js based solution for dropdowns to avoid such problems. Offsetting the dropdown of the last item from the bottom could lead to issues if the last item is too close to the topbar.