Breaking an <a> within a <p> in the same line

In my Textarea long url names are not breaking in the same line, instead they are going to the next line, where they are able to break. Is there a way to have the link breaking in the first line?
Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-12 um 17.53.09

It looks like the URL Text ist within an tag.Is there a way to get it rendert without it?

Could you please show

  1. What’s stored in your textarea field (field value in the text file)
  2. What the resulting HTML is in your browser’s inspector?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-12 um 21.00.51

Hm, strange, when I copy this text, it works as expected. Did you copy the text from anywhere and introduce some hidden characters?

Someone else copied it in. I just typed the Text manually, but it still doesn’t work.

Is it supposed to be in an em tag?

Well, yes, since you wrapped the text in ** which are parsed as em tags by the Markdown parser.

I just found the mistake in the CSS. Thanks for your help!