tried to set a “0” as a default value of a text/number field in a blueprint… does not work for “0” but for “00”, “1” and everything else.
label: Start offset
type: number
default: 0
somebody can confirm this or am i doing something wrong?
Can reproduce that problem, created an issue:
Edit: And will be hopefully fixed soon on the develop branch and in a next release.
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label: Übungsdauer (min)
type: number
default: 0
I had a follow up issue to the default:0 as number, when using
<?php if($article->minutesPrepare()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
FYI: had to change to
if(... minutesPrepare() >= 0)
Yes, the underlying PHP empty() function returns true for 0: PHP: empty - Manual
Ok - thank you. Did not realize, that it’s due to native php empty.