Blocks: no output on translated page when translate:false

I have a blueprint for a block, in site/blueprints/blocks/textmedia.yml

name: Text (mit Bild)
    label: Text
    type: textarea
    label: Bild
    type: files
    max: 1
    layout: cards
    translate: false

If I edit the translated page block, the text is editable, the image is greyed out, but I see the original image. That is how I think it should be.

In the frontend on the default language the image is rendered but on the translated page, the image is missing?

In the frontend I render the block with:

foreach($page->mybuilder()->toBlocks() as $block):
  snippet('blocks/' . $block->type(), array('data' => $block));

I had the same problem with the ‘old’ page builder. I had the hope that it is fixed in kirby 3.5

What am I doing wrong?

I think this is one of the difficulties that we had with structure fields before: can items of a field (structure rows or blocks) be non-translatable or is it the field that is non-translatable. Long discussions about pro and con.

However, the UI shouldn’t portray it one way and then the result be the other way. Could you please open an issue?

done here:

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