Hi all,
I’m having trouble to understand some basic concepts about how srcset and Kirby work together and didn’t find this information here or in the references, could you please help me understand or correct?
So far I understood that the image driver creates the thumbs when defined in the config and stores them in the media folder. When does this process happen? In my case it only affects images I’ve uploaded via the panel, but not the ones in the content folders (I also can’t access those via the panel, or is that another problem?). Sorry, update: it also creates the thumbs for the images I can’t access via the panel, but also other sizes that weren’t defined by me (I’ve completely emptied the media folder already)
But so far I at least got this to work. -
How would I go about it if I wanted to create the thumbs myself via photoshop batch processing, would I then store the asset sets in the content folders? And how would I refer/loop through them and at the same time letting the browser choose the appropriate size via PHP?
I have a standard photo portfolio with a grid showing cover images in an overview (where I used the normal srcset and sizes, which seems to work well, here: Work) and single project pages with a very granular grid, so I can exactly place the child images via specific project related css using nth (I haven’t placed the children yet, so it still looks weird, here: Project A).
For the latter I would love to use the autosize method and was trying to access it with bnomeis plugin. So far I think I didn’t get it to work. Is it correct that also in this case the scrset thumbs would be created and the browser would choose the correct size in this case provided by the granular grid (columns are defined with vw). In that case I would find the appropriate thumbs when testing the page with dev tools, not the original file name, right? Do I have to use „lazysrcset“ for the definitions in the config or just srcset?
- And this is not related to srcset, but to the grid on the single pages. Is there a way to change the background colour of single rows of the grid? Div with another z-Index?? The rows are 100vh.
I’ve read a ton here, but I’m only getting more confused… or is there more explanation to these subjects somewhere and I just didn’t find it?
Thanks in advance!