September 3, 2020, 8:46am
When I create a new Page in Kirby a standard pop-up window opens in the panel that I define the ID of the Page.
How can I make this without the Window, that the page gets an Automatic ID with the Timecode or an Cryptical Text without opening this window?
I just came across this myself and these posts might help you.
When I click the +Add button on my page section, I get a small popup to put in the title and slug. Is there a way to skip this and go directly to the full page showing all the fields?
Sometimes I start writing and backfill the title later from what I have written, and this popup is a barrier to just start writing into the main text field.
Iām trying to create a kind of blog where page titles are not really used. Since the title is required for every page, I thought it might be a good idea to auto-generate it from the date. Iām wondering if this is possible.
I have set up this hook in config.php:
return [
'debug' => true,
'hooks' => [
'page.create.after' => function ($page) {
if ($page->template() == 'entry') {
$newTitle = $page->createdAt()->toDate('l, j F Y');
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