Altering image server-sided


I am currently looking for ways to change the contrast of images server-sided. I would like to use certain images as a mask. For cross-broswer-compatibility, I would like to use the images as css mask instead of svg filters and svg masks. This requires the images to already be b/w and high contrast. Is there a way to use e.g. ImageMagick or some other php library or kirby plugin within kirby to do so? I am thinking about something like $image->brightnessContrastImage($brightness, $contrast, $channel)->url()

Thank you for any hint!

You could create a custom thumb driver for ImageMagick with support for such image manipulations.

kirby uses simpleimage under the hood which has methods to darken or change contrast. but like said kirby does not expose all of the available methods (which i dont know why to be honest) so you need to create a custom wrapper (the darkroom) to call them there.

Thank you for the replies! I am quite new to this level of working with php so please exuse my possibily naive question.

I thought about altering the grayscale method to also increase the contrast of my image. I created a file plugins/customGrayscale/index.php with the following code:


class CustomImageMagick extends Kirby\Image\Darkroom\ImageMagick
	protected function grayscale(string $file, array $options): ?string
		if ($options['grayscale'] === false) {
			return $image;

		return $image->desaturate()->contrast(80);


Kirby\Image\Darkroom::$types['custom-im'] = CustomImageMagick::class;

However, this does not change anything. It probably is not as easy, right? Do I have to register the plugin elsewhere? Do you maybe have a code example of a simple custom thumb driver, where I could see how it is done and how it is registered?

Thank you!

Or could you maybe just point me to an example of a custom thumb driver? That would be of great help!

The focus plugin has a custom thumb driver: Focus | Kirby CMS

Also remember to delete eventual thumbnails generated in the /media folder between tests, otherwise it won’t generate new images with the same filename.
Also remember to actually set your driver in the config.php:

return [
    'thumbs' => [
        'driver' => 'custom-im'
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