Why does it appear as null?

Browser title appears as null on Kirby admin site.
Perhaps there is a problem with my config.php or language file.
I don’t know which is the problem.

Does anyone know about this issue?


return [
	'languages' => true,
	'date.handler'  => 'strftime',
	'languages.detect' => true,
    'debug' => true,
    'panel' =>[
    'install' => true


return [
  'code' => 'en',
  'default' => true,
  'direction' => 'ltr',
  'locale' => 'en_US',
  'name' => 'English',
  'url' => '/en',
  'locale'  => [
    LC_ALL      => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_COLLATE  => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_MONETARY => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_NUMERIC  => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_TIME     => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_MESSAGES => 'en_US.utf8',
    LC_CTYPE    => 'en_US.utf8'


return [
  'code' => 'ko',
  'default' => false,
  'direction' => 'ltr',
  'locale' => 'ko_KR',
  'name' => 'Korean',
  'url' => '/kr',
  'locale'  => [
    LC_ALL      => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_COLLATE  => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_MONETARY => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_NUMERIC  => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_TIME     => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_MESSAGES => 'ko_KR.utf8',
    LC_CTYPE    => 'ko_KR.utf8'

Did you add languages from panel or manually? You have to add languages from panel ui to convert content files.

Check your site content file /content/site.en.txt and /content/site.ko.txt. If there is a /content/site.txt , this is invalid file for multilanguage app. Content files should be includes language code in multilanguage like: default.en.txt or site.en.txt

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