What does your gulpfile looks like?

I see your point and you’re totally right.
And that’s the reason why I stopped using mamp and started playing with apache and hosts files on my mac.
Same reason why I stopped using codekit the first time and started using grunt and then gulp. Same reason why I went away from gulp to use npm.

But after a while, I think is not worth it, at least for what I do for what my job is.
That’s why after the 3rd time I had to re set up my machine, reinstall mysql, upgrade php, re configure all the permissions, www users and a bunch of other stuff I got tired of all this and went back to mamp.

And the same reason can be applied to codekit. I got tired of upgrading npm packages, json files and base setups.

At the end of the day, codekit is just a wrapper of libraries. Uses the same sasslib to compile sass, same babel library to handle es6.

And I don’t care if I have to pay a dev for a tool.
I do this for a job so I want a tool that makes my life easier.

BTW, if you’re interested : Introduction to Using NPM as a Build Tool | by Nader Dabit | JavaScript Training | Medium

You can use npm to do quite a lot of things.

And as for this point

However sometimes it might make sense to break out of the comfort zone and rethink the way of your very own workflow to discover and learn something new.

I agree in principle but I think this is pushed to some crazy extreme in the current web world where tools are dead in less than 6 months.

And is quite insane if you ask me to see teams go through 3 different setups and build tools on 1 single project

I’ve now made a repo of my newest version of my gulpfile. It’s written to work with Gulp 4. I’ve tested it on many small projects and can confirm that it works.

Install the dependencies with a oneliner:

npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer gulp-concat gulp-uglify-es gulp-csso gulp-rename
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