Is there any Sass plugin for Kirby 3?

I have been using this plugin to work with Sass in Kirby 2, but now I started my first Kirby 3 project and I have not been able to find an equivalent. Are there any Sass plugins out there that work with Kirby 3?

Or is there any workflow to make Sass work without a plugin? I am a newbie when it comes to Sass but thanks to the plugin I was able to use it and miss it now in the Kirby 3 environment.


Nope, no standalone sass plugin so far.

However, you could try something like this.

Uff, this looks like a bit of an overkill, if you just want to use Sass…
More importantly, it looks you cannot really use this, if you have already started the project, as it builds the basic structure for you, right?

There are different ways to compile SCSS

Ah. I hadn’t even thought of standalone tools. I will look into those. Sorry, I now realize how much of a beginner question this was. I consider this questions answered now, thank you both.

No need to be sorry, everybody started out as a beginner once…

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:warning: Warning: opinionated post following:

As a SCSS user myself, I wouldn’t propose this for beginners nowadays. If I were you, I’ld investigate postcss (+ plugins) now.

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If you want to use Gulp with Sass, this may help:

I use it in all my new projects where I use Sass.

Thanks again, everybody. To resolve my immediate need I now use a standalone tool (Koala), but I will look into the other options and see, if those can benefit me.

@bartvandebiezen and I (@JanStieler) have actualised the scss-plugin for kirby 3.


Have you seen the current version 1.0.4 of scssphp on
Do you want to update it too?

the maintainer of the Kirby-SCSS-Plugin is @bartvandebiezen.
Please wrote an issue on Github.


Hi. I use worth check it