Videos do not display when using Location "this website" in blocks

I’m trying to relearn Kirby and have started with the starterkit. I want to upload a video to a blog post using blocks. Choosing “External Source” works perfectly. When I choose “This Website” for the location and upload the video it will display in the preview but will not load on the page.

Thinking I must have broken something I tried downloading a fresh install of kirby but the issue persists.

I’m not sure if this is a bug or working as intended and I just don’t understand.
Thanks for any help!

This is because the Starterkit ships with a custom block snippet for the video block where support for local videos is missing. I have added an issue in the Starterkit repo: Custom video block snippet does not support local file · Issue #53 · getkirby/starterkit · GitHub

Deleting the custom snippet from site/snippets/blocks/video.php will load the default block snippet which does load the local video.

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Thanks so much for the help on this, I never would have figured that out on my own.