Using the pluck method?


In a content file, let’s say hello.txt I have the following:

my_types: small,medium,large

I want to explode it and then use the result in a field method.

Field method

Not really that important for this issue but there is a start of a field method.

field::$methods['manipulate'] = function($field) {
return "Convert array keys to something more readable";

In the end the whole thing could look something like this (but working)?

$string_or_object = $item->pluck('my_types', ',')->manipulate();

How do I start with pluck?

Pluck explodes the string in the text file to an array by a needle? How should I write? I tried a few times. Items is a pages object. Am I close?

echo $item->pluck('my_types', ',');
echo $item->pluck('my_types', ',')->count();

The above give me an empty result. I expected it to print “array” or 0.

What you are looking for is probably split() instead of pluck(). Pluck() is used when iterating through a collection and getting all values of a field from all pages (e.g. to generate a tag cloud), whereas split() is used to explode the values of a string.

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Thanks! Yes that worked, kind of.

I would like some more chaining to keep my HTML clean. The split() method does only work on a $page object? Can I use split on any array somehow that is not in the object? If not, I could use PHP explode.

Something like this and make the rest in the field method:

<?php echo( $item->my_types()->manipulate() ); ?>

Not quite sure what you’re trying to get at. Split() is a string method and so is explode, in fact, split() uses php explode anyway. Have a look at the source:

This is the field method:

field::$methods['split'] = function($field, $separator = ',') {
  return str::split($field->value, $separator);

which uses str::split() from the toolkit:

 static public function split($string, $separator = ',', $length = 1) {

    if(is_array($string)) return $string;

    $string = trim($string, $separator);
    $parts  = explode($separator, $string);
    $out    = array();

    foreach($parts AS $p) {
      $p = trim($p);
      if(static::length($p) > 0 and static::length($p) >= $length) $out[] = $p;

    return $out;

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