Using more than one word to name a custom block

Thanks to a lot of help on here, I’ve made a custom Block. It’s called “guitar”, but for it to make sense to the client is really needs to be called “guitar for sale”.

I’m assuming hyphens aren’t good. And I don’t really want to use underscores or camel case. And a space between the words doesn’t work.

In my Blueprint I’ve tried both preview and label but they don’t show up when adding a Block

- type: guitar
	preview: Guitar for sale
	label: Guitar for sale

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 4.38.07 pm

So – is it possible to get a Block to display in the Panel with a name of more than one word?

You do this via the name attribute

- type: guitar
  name: Guitar for sale

Should work, if not surround with quotes