I’m currently building out a project page for a client that is structured similarly to a blog post, with each post attributed to multiple contributors.
From the panel, my client can select each contributor using a multiselect field set up with the following query:
label: Contributors
type: multiselect
options: query
query: site.find("people").children
This populates the multiselect field with the full names of each possible contributors to select from. However, when I use the following query…
<?php foreach($page->contributors()->split(',') as $contributor): ?>
<li><?= $contributor ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
…to fetch the contributors of each project on the project page, it returns the results in a not-human-friendly format: “people/joe”, “people/jane”, etc.
Is there a Kirby helper / method of some kind that allows me to use the labels seen when selecting from the options in the multiselect field, rather than the value that is currently being returned?