Using $kirby inside plugin SiteMethods

How can I use the $kirby object inside my plugin’s siteMethods? The following code gives me the error: “Too few arguments to function Kirby\Cms\Site::{closure}(), 0 passed and exactly 1 expected”. I’d like to access my config variables from inside the plugins site method.


Kirby::plugin('visualdialogue/weather', [

    'siteMethods' => [
        'getCurrentTemperature' => function($kirby) {
            $apiKey = $kirby->option('openweather.key');

You can use the kirby() helper for that:


Kirby::plugin('visualdialogue/weather', [

    'siteMethods' => [
        'getCurrentTemperature' => function() {
            $apiKey = kirby()->option('openweather.key');
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