Using Flickity in Kirby CMS: How to create individual slideshows for projects + show them in a separate <div> (on click)?


I am trying to implement the Flickity plugin into my CMS.

What I would like to do is the following: My showcase-snippet creates a grid (using the Masonry plugin) containing all my projects. The grid is working just fine. When clicking on one of the items in the grid, a <div> which sits on top of the entire page fades in. I want this <div> to contain all the information which is relevant to the respective project which was clicked on – plus a slideshow with all the images which belong to the project. In order to do that, I tried generating an individual Flickity-slideshow for each of the projects (in the snippet’s php) and then hiding it, put pulling it into the <div>which fades in when the respective item in the grid is clicked on. The php of the snippet looks as follows (the slideshow contains only sample images right now because I am trying to get it to work properly first before figuring out how to put the actual project images into it):

	  <div class="project-wrapper">

		  <?php foreach($projects as $project): ?>

		  	<div class="project-entry">

				<!-- Generating individual sliders to pull into project info box -->
				<div class="showcase-slideshow">
					<div class="carousel"
					  data-flickity='{ "freeScroll": true }'>
					  <div class="carousel-cell">
					  	<img src="">
					  <div class="carousel-cell">
					  	<img src="">
					  <div class="carousel-cell">
					  	<img src="">
					  <div class="carousel-cell">
					  	<img src="">
					  <div class="carousel-cell">
					  	<img src="">
				<!-- ////////////////// -->

				<!-- Generating grid items from projects -->
		 		<div class="grid-item trans-1">
			        $projectImages = $project->images();
			        foreach($projectImages as $projectImage):
					        <?php if($projectImage == $projectImages->first()): ?>
					          <img src="<?= $projectImage->url() ?>" alt="Thumbnail" class="" />
					        <?php endif ?>
			      	<?php endforeach ?>
		  	<!-- ////////////////// -->


	  <?php endforeach ?>

Then, further along in the snippet, I have the <div> which shows up when clicking on one of the grid items:

	<div class="descriptions">
		<div class="description">
			<div class="project-gallery-container">
				<div class="project-gallery">
				<!-- empty <div> for slideshow -->

			<div class="close">

It contains an empty <div> into which I then tried to put the individual slideshows with this javascript:

<!-- Script to fetch project gallery and display in separate area -->
<script type="text/javascript">
	$(".project-wrapper").on("click", ".project-entry", function () {
<!-- ////////////////// -->

Unfortunately, my entire setup does not work properly. There is a Flickity-slider showing up in the .descriptions-div (which is toggled when a grid item is clicked) but the slider-buttons do not work. Where did I go wrong and how do I have to change my snippet in order to achieve what I tried to do?

I’m grateful for any advice and help with my code.

You probably need to refresh flickity because you are manipulating the page after the page has loaded. There is probably a call back to get it to refresh. You need to do this inside your click event (probably). Try this.

I regularly use Flickity and Masonry, but I don’t understand your question. Could you provide a reduced test case or share your project ?

Running one of these plugin in one thing, both is an other.

Sure, I’d love to share it. But how can I set it up for you to see? I’m running it on a local server and don’t have a webspace for it yet. But I need the php to work in order for you to see what I am having difficulties with. Do you know a way to share a kirby-project without needing a web server?

Refreshing sounds like a good idea. But where might I have to place $carousel.flickity('reloadCells') in my click event though?

<!-- Script to fetch project gallery and display in separate area -->
<script type="text/javascript">
	$(".project-wrapper").on("click", ".project-entry", function () {
<!-- ////////////////// -->

Yes, you can use Ngrok. this will share your local host publicly.

Try immediatly after that line. I am not much of a javascript programmer, and i cant see your whole project code so its hard to know for sure.

Thanks for the quick reply, I’m rather new to javascript as well. I’ll try a couple of things and then move on to sharing my project here so you can have a look at my code directly.