Using crop with srcset

Hi all - I’m having trouble cropping images that use kirby’s basic srcset feature (below copied from docs which is my test code)

<?php if ($image = $page->image()): ?>
        alt="<?= $image->alt()?>"
        data-src="<?= $image->resize(1280)->url() ?>"
        data-srcset="<?= $image->srcset([320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920]) ?>"
        height="<?= $image->height() ?>"
        width="<?= $image->width() ?>"
<?php endif ?>

Can anyone point me in the direction of some docs for this as I can’t find anything. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply but this is a broken link and the domain looks like a staging server or the like?

Sorry, was in my local env

Thanks. That’s helped me find the actual issue and it turns out it’s because I have an animated gif, and altough i read that the imagekick driver worked for animated gifs it doesn’t seem to for me; switched to webp and working fine. Would be great to include this in the docs at some point :slight_smile: