Using a site field value in config


I am trying to use a field value in my config file to add to a placeholder, but failing.
I have tried all of these:

$delay = $kirby()->site()->delay();
$delay = $site()->delay();
$delay = $page->site()->delay();

They all give me a white screen telling me this page isn’t working.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


There are some issues with this:

  1. You cannot call kirby() or site() in the config, unless you wrap your code within the ready option.

  2. $kirby(): either kirby() or $kirby(if $kirby is defined), but not both, same for site().

  3. How exactly are you using this in your config, could you please post the context?


I looked at the option thing earlier, but I am not understanding how to use it properly. The link you added goes to getkirby.test, not the docs page.

I am using this variable to calculate a lead time of availability. The field contains a number (eg. 3) and then a date is calculated from that, and then placed in a placeholder.

$delay = $page->site()->delay();
$lead_time = strtotime('+' . $delay . ' week');
$day_of_week = date('N', $lead_time);
$to_tuesday = (7 - $day_of_week) + 2;
$new_work = strtotime(date('c', $lead_time) . ' + ' . $to_tuesday . ' days');

return [
    'placeholders' => [
        'new_work' => date('dS F, Y', $new_work),

Ah, sorry, I had my local copy open, fixed above.


return [
    // other stuff
    'ready' => function() {
        $delay = site()->delay();
        $lead_time = strtotime('+' . $delay . ' week');
        $day_of_week = date('N', $lead_time);
        $to_tuesday = (7 - $day_of_week) + 2;
        $new_work = strtotime(date('c', $lead_time) . ' + ' . $to_tuesday . ' days');
        return [
           'placeholders' => [
             'new_work' => date('dS F, Y', $new_work),

Wow! That’s amazing.
Thank you very much.